Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

L1 A Essay Psychology

L1 A Essay Psychology

Q Produce a written essay : Write a 1-2 page essay (two pages maximum) describing at least three examples from your own life where you have attempted to produce change in one of the systems described in the models presented that could have had an impact on individuals in the ecological system in which you lived • e.g., working on a political campaign of a candidate that was devoted to environmental issues (impact would be on health risks to children and families • being a student council member in high school and delivered food to the needy (impact on nutrition and sense of community of disadvantaged families) • being a Big Brother to a child (impact mentoring of young person to compensate for gaps in their own family or neighorhood system). Make sure you describe the activity and the systems in one of the two models discussed in the lecture and/or reading materials and the ways it in which it could have influenced behavioral outcomes in that system.

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After reading the materials in the text, it can be said that there are some examples from my personal life that can well explain the change in the systems that are mentioned in the models which can have a great impact on individuals in the ecological system. The first example can include that as I was in my University, I had participated in a campaign which focused on women’s rights and risks during pregnancy.